The launch consisted of an introduction movie and reveal of the car, with the creative design story clips showcasing our talented designs explaining the new features of the Aygo X Prologue.
If we look at TME PR’s investment, the Aygo X Prologue was around a quarter of the cost of the latest Yaris WP launch. From TME PR’s post launch analytics, the Aygo X prologue digital press conference achieved the best reach ever, and the PR value was equal to the Yaris WP when looking at overall audience. So, there are some good learning points to be seen from this new kind of show car/design reveal.
欧州ではCOVID-19の規制があり、今年初めのモーターショーでこの車を公開することは不可能でしたが、TMEはED²と協力しバーチャルなショーカーの発表を行うことにしました。この発表会は、車の紹介ムービーと車の公開で構成されており、クリエイティブなデザインのストーリークリップでは、才能あるデザイナーがED²でAygo X Prologueの新機能を説明を行い、それを編集する形となっています。
TME PRの投資額を見ると、Aygo X Prologueは最新のヤリスWPのローンチに比べて約4分の1の費用で済みました。 TME PRの発表後の分析では、Aygo X Prologueのデジタルプレスカンファレンスは過去最高のリーチを達成し、全体のオーディエンスを見るとヤリスWPと同等のPR効果がありました。このように、新しいタイプのショーカー/デザインの公開からは、いくつかの学びがあります。
’It managed to capture the imagination of the trade press and the general public.’
We also asked one of our designers to photograph the car and the stunning photo seen here subsequently created headlines in both print and online media. Whilst in-house taken photos were only a part of the overall media photos, our pictures were often used the most.
Although this Premiere cost a fraction of the Yaris WP which took place before the pandemic began, it managed to capture the imagination of the trade press and the general public, who connected with our designers on a personal level and responded extremely positively to this launch. We are very proud as a team to have played our part in this success!