Julie Schwieder, Assistant Chief CMF Designer at Toyota ED², created the tricolor graphics for the milestone 5-millionth Yaris produced at Toyota Motor Manufacturing France (TMMF). For over five years, Toyota ED² CMF designers have collaborated closely with the TMMF paint team to refine bi-tone designs and optimize paint processes.
A team of around 10 designers dedicated nearly a month to conceptualize and propose graphics for this special edition Yaris. The final selection was made by Frank Marotte (CEO of Toyota France), Rodolphe Delaunay (President & CEO of Toyota Motor Manufacturing France), and Lance Scott (Toyota ED² Director). Their decision was guided by technical feasibility advice from TMMF’s Paint GM, Idir Boubaaya, and Julie Schwieder, ensuring the design could be realized without the use of film.
This project provided a unique opportunity for Boubaaya’s paint team to showcase their exceptional craftsmanship. Julie Schwieder’s simple yet striking design was ultimately chosen and revealed during a special event at TMMF. The celebration, attended by 200 guests including the French Minister Delegate for Industry, honored this production milestone. Past TMMF presidents were also present, reflecting on the achievement of reaching 5 million Yaris units.
The event featured proud TMMF painters on stage, unveiling the 5-millionth Yaris alongside management in the TMMF auditorium. TMMF, renowned for its world-class production efficiency, also used the occasion to highlight its positive impact on the northern French economy, announcing permanent contracts for short-term contractors during the celebration.
トヨタ自動車マニュファクチャリングフランス(TMMF)で生産された記念すべき500万台目ヤリスのトリコロール・グラフィックを制作したのは、CMFアシスタント・チーフ・デザイナーのジュリー・シュウィダーです。トヨタ ED²のCMFデザイナーたちは、5年以上にわたりTMMF塗装チームと協力し、バイトーン・デザインの洗練化と塗装プロセスの最適化に取り組んできました。
このプロジェクトは、ブーバヤの塗装チームの卓越した職人技を披露する絶好の機会となりました。 ジュリー・シュウィダーのシンプルかつ印象的なデザインが最終的に選ばれ、TMMFでの500万台達成イベントで公開されました。祝賀会にはフランス産業大臣を含む200人のゲストが出席し、盛大な式となりました。TMMFの歴代会長も出席し、ヤリス500万台達成の偉業を振り返る有意義なイベントでした。