He has a MA of Architecture and worked as architect for three years, then he decided to change his carrier path to automotive designer and had acquired Master of Transportation design. He worked for a couple of prominent car design studios.
What he likes about ED² is first of all its size and close team work we have built in ED², not much hierarchy to respect and we can work all together in a flat and friendly environment. ED2’s creatives are highly talented, yet young, skilled and have diverse backgrounds. We can talk about pure styling on surfaces and architecture, but also imagine business model and eco-system around new mobility.
Another aspect he likes is the opportunity he is given to spend his time on personal skill developments. We can opt for leaning new programmes, tools and apps.
ED²’s agile design process allows all the designers to get inspired by Genchi Genbutsu, meaning ‘go to the source’ inspirational trips. Sometime inspiration we get is not instantly from what we do now but also from the inspirational research a while ago, where we can get to know the different perspective and insights from creatives in different fields.
Yung contributed to BZ4X and POST IMV Design.