We are all very passionate creatives, each of us has special talent yet collaborating make our special competencies even better. It’s always collaborative work where we could create.
I’m creative leader in 3D digital creation team. I’ve got various experiences from small start up to the big automotive company. What I like about ED² is its agile size. We are only 40 people all together, less than 20 people are in design studio. Our creative working environment allow all of us participate on creating new ideas in our own perspectives.
As digital creatives, co-creation with designers is one of the most exciting work I do here in ED². I have rooms and freedom to input my creative ideas into the original designer’s one.
My role here is to expand the possibilities and create as many proposals as possible. More you have good and diverse proposals, easier to pin the final ideas. Even if sometime most of variation goes into the bins in the end, it’s always exciting to expand ideas.
Another thing that I like about ED² is having always explored to new way of working. And, we are giving the tool to do so, we are constantly encouraged to introduce new digital tools, new way of exploring the surface or architecture.
As most of satellite design studios, we can welcome young talents as well into our teams or having partnership or collaboration with design students. It’s a lot of leaning we can get working with young, fresh, and open-minded talented creatives.
’More you have good and diverse proposals, easier to pin the final ideas.’